Introducing Snoots Pooch Boutique

Snoots Pooch Boutique was created as a student project while Meagan studied graphic design at The Savannah College of Art & Design in 2011. Being tasked with rebranding an existing company vs. creating a new identity was a no-brainer. She thought about her family dog, Princess Naijah, and how she would always pamper her and decided to develop the brand Snoots. Meagan designed a suite of products that reflected her ideas, including fashion & accessories, pet cosmetics, and fine foods. One of the most incredible parts of creating this was winning two 2012 Silver Scaddy Awards for logo and package design.

Naijah passed away one month shy of age 16 in 2019. In 2022, we finally decided to bring this brand to life in the sweet and beautiful memory of Naijah, as she was the inspiration behind the creation. Snoots Pooch Boutique is now a mother & daughter team creating and providing the best of both worlds: design and business. Meagan, our Founder and CEO, made the name and brand identity to reflect Naijah's sweet and often prissy personality, which played a part in the color, logo, packaging, and clothing. She used her years of design and marketing industry experience to sketch and design our first modular retail pup-up shop and the web, social, and digital media for the launch. As we continue to build, we aim to be the premiere lifestyle brand for our beloved fur babies and celebrate proud pet parenthood. We want to embrace taking special and prestigious care of them as they deliver unconditional love to us.

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How We Started

Introducing Princess Naijah

Our story begins with a prancing mini diva who loved all things fabulous! If you put an outfit on her, she knew she was cute and didn't want to take it off. She ate curated meals, wore curated clothing, and shook her fabulous hair, whether it brushed the floor or cut into an Anna Wintour-inspired bob.

While creating the brand, Meagan snuck Naijah on the SCAD campus to do a photoshoot of her products for class assignment. Once in the room, she knew all eyes were on her, so she pointed her nose to the sky with a cute smile!

The idea & logo

While studying graphic design at Savannah College of Art & Design, Meagan decided to create a brand for her family dog as one of her assignments. She went through hours of names and sketches while in her creative process and came up with Snoots.

The name Snoots was inspired by Princess Naijah's breed, Shih Tzu. Being bred for royalty is in their nature, so it's innate for their noses to point to the sky.

Award winning logo and package design

Meagan won the 2012 Silver Scaddy Awards for both our logo and packaging. Talk about fun!

Our modular PupUp Shop Design

Meagan got the idea to create a mobile PupUp shop that we can use to build our customer base and brand family, sell our products, and spread brand awareness. So she pulled out her sketchbook, followed by her laptop, to design the look and feel, flow, and the experience and attraction areas, all leading to Naijah's Closet, where you can purchase items for your furbaby.

Our First PupUp Shop

Stay Tuned for Our Next PupUp Announcement!